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The American Society of Agronomy is seeking candidates to serve as the Early Career Representative on the ASA Board of Directors for a three-year term. To be considered for this tremendous opportunity, review the ASA Board of Directors guidelines, roles, and responsibilitiesand then submit this nomination by the deadline. The ASA Early Career Selection Committee will review the nominations and select the top two candidates for the ASA Election Ballot. To be eligible, you must be within seven years of your terminal degree at the start of the term, 1/1/2026.
ASA is now seeking candidates to serve as the Early Career Representative on the ASA Board of Directors for a three-year term, 2026-2028. The top two candidates selected by the ASA Early Career Awards Committee will be placed on the ballot for the ASA Election, held March-April 2025. The winning candidate will take office on January 1, 2026.
Questions? Contact Governance Director Sara Uttech, 608-268-4948
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- Current member of ASA.
Affiliation (University and Department Name or Government/Company Name)
List your current career position and organization. (Character Limit, including spaces: 800) -
Biographical Sketch
Provide a brief biographical sketch that includes why are you interested in the Early Career Board Representative position and how the board will benefit from your service. (Character Limit, including spaces: 2000) -
Terminal Degree
Enter your final degree received and graduation date. (Character Limit, including spaces: 100) -
Statement of Commitment
If elected, you commit to full participation for the three-year term. The anticipated time commitment is 3-5 hours a month. You commit that you will come prepared to participate in the monthly board meetings and other committees as assigned, and communicate and engage with the early career communities within our Societies. Please check the box if you agree to participate as described, if elected.
Explore Open Awards at our new Awards Hub.