Sections & Communities | American Society of Agronomy Skip to main content
A farmer walking through a green field with a herd of cows

Sections & Communities

Sections are the unifying organizational framework for Community activities. Communities are the organization of ASA members into groups showing common professional interests. Communities organize around topical areas, within Sections, from the grassroots level. The purposes of Communities are to gather members, encourage scientific exchange and sharing of information, facilitate planning, enhance communication and provide coordination of programs.

Major activities of the communities are focused on presenting papers and symposia at the Annual Meeting. They may hold a business meeting at the Annual Meeting (or other venue) and may present student and regular member awards. In addition to these activities, the Sections and Communities may host listservs, web pages, newsletters, and other activities. As a benefit of membership, you may join as many ASA communities as you have interest in.

ASA Sections

Agronomic Production Systems

Communities | Section Officers

Communities include Applied Soybean Research, Bioenergy Systems, Crop Irrigation Strategies and Management, Fiber Crops, Organic Management Systems, Precision Agriculture Systems, Semi-arid Dryland Cropping Systems, Sensor-Based Nutrient Management, Soil and Water Management Professionals, Nutrient Management Professionals, and Weedy and Invasive Plant Species

Close up of wheat

Biometry and Statistical Computing

Communities | Section Officers

Communities include Bioinformatics in Crops and Soils, Spatial Statistics and On-Farm Research, and Statistical Education/Training for Researchers

Gold country bloom photo

Climatology and Modeling

Communities | Section Officers

Communities include Agroclimatology and Agronomic Modeling, Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing, Biophysical Measurements and Sensors, Global Climate Change, Model Applications in Field Research, Evapotranspiration Measurement and Modeling, and Sensor-Based Water Management

Using solar power in a field

Education and Extension

Communities | Section Officers

Communities include Advancing Agronomy via Public/Private Collaboration, Extension Education, and K-16 Education and Outreach.

Growing corn close-up

Environmental Quality

Communities | Section Officers | Section Awards

Communities include Animal Agriculture and the Environment, Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses, Managing Denitrification in Agronomic Systems, Beneficial Reuse By-Products in Agriculture, Nutrients and Environmental Quality, Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emission, and Sustainable Intensification

Person doing a seed study

Global Agronomy

Communities | Section Officers

Agronomic Solutions for Smallholders, Agronomy in Africa, Perennial Grain Development, US-Sino Agricultural Research Forum, and Wheat Initiative Agronomists

Close up image of crops in a field

Land Management and Conservation

Communities | Section Officers

Communities include Long-Term Agricultural Research, Cover Crop Management, and Soil Health

Sunset breaking over a field