Environmental Quality Section
Agriculture covers roughly 30% of the earth and is inextricably linked to the quality of our environment. Understanding how agriculture affects our environment and improving the management of agriculture to promote air, soil and water quality is the central focus of the Environmental Quality Section. We have seven communities that have formed in the section, with most activities occurring at this level.
The Environmental Quality Section is committed to representing its members to ensure that emerging issues of agronomy and the environment are effectively communicated and that division activities reflect member interest. If you would like to highlight a topic of importance on this web page or play a role in section activities, contact the presiding chair.
Our Communities
Animal Agriculture and the Environment
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This community encourages scientific exchanges among scientists, educators, extension practitioners, regulators, policy makers, and producers. Members focus on solutions to environmental issues associated with animal agriculture.

Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses
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This Community will fill the need for a scientific organization focused on the environmental and agronomic impacts and uses of biochar, particularly related to soil application. Environmental impacts could entail the use of biochar as a sorbent for metals, microbes, and other agrochemicals.

Managing Denitrification in Agronomic Systems
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This Community brings together members interested in methods to reduce nitrate loss from agricultural systems through enhanced denitrification.

Beneficial Reuse By-Products in Agriculture
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This community will provide a forum to share research and results of gypsum and additional by-product materials used in agricultural systems, excluding biochar and products likely to be covered in the Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community. Community members assess the environmental and plant productive effects of gypsum and additional by-products.

Nutrients and Environmental Quality
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Community members develop and promote solutions to prevent nutrient losses and water quality degradation from both urban and agriculture land uses.

Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emission
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This community examines how management of agronomic systems can influence soil carbon accumulation and greenhouse gas emissions, while providing a forum for sharing these research results.

Sustainable Intensification
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Community members examine challenges of current agricultural systems and develop solutions to increase crop yields and reduce negative environmental impacts.

Section Awards
Inspiring Early Career Scientist Award
These awards recognize inspiring early-career scientists who have made creative and impactful contributions toward sustaining agriculture through Environmental Quality research, teaching, extension/public service or industry activity within seven years of completing their terminal degree.
Inspiring Early Career Scientist Award Nomination Form
Environmental Quality Outstanding Graduate Student Awards
This award is to recognize graduate students who have made, or who have the potential to make, significant contributions to the field of environmental quality and to encourage their involvement in the American Society of Agronomy. Recipients will receive a certificate of recognition and $250.
Update Your ASA Communities
Com·mu·ni·ty: noun a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.
View the complete list of ASA Communities and join.
Corporate Sponsorship
If you represent a company that would like to be a sponsor, please contact Alex Priester.
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ASA Environmental Quality Section Inspiring Early Career Scientist Award Recipients
Andrea Diane Basche, Ph.D.
Associate Professor in Cropping Systems
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Biswanath Dari, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor & Natural Resources Specialist
Cooperative Extension at North Carolina A&T State University
Tyler Groh, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor & Watershed Management Extension Specialist
Ecosystem Science and Management Department
The Pennsylvania State University
Joao Antonangelo, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Oklahoma State University
Grace Miner, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Soil Management and Sugarbeet Research
Rishi Prasad, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist - Animal Systems Environmental Specialist
Auburn University
Virginia Sykes, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Sciences
University of Tennessee
Ryan Stewart, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Amanda Ashworth, Ph.D.
Poultry Production and Product Safety Research Unit
Davie M. Kadyampakeni, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
UF-Citrus REC
Cameron Pittelkow, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Land, Air and Water Resources
University of California, Davis
Laura Christianson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Illinois Drainage Research and Outreach Program (I-DROP Lab)
University of Illinois