Agronomic Production Systems Section | American Society of Agronomy Skip to main content
Overhead image of a wheat field

Agronomic Production Systems Section

Our Communities

Applied Soybean Research

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Worldwide, soybean is one of the most important crops for human and animal consumption. Soybean production is supported by a large community of researchers and Extension Specialists in nearly every soybean producing state in the US and worldwide. This community is focused on fostering communication among applied soybean researchers worldwide to further the science that supports modern soybean production.

Seedlings growing out of dry ground

Bioenergy Systems

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Bioenergy systems includes the development, production, and conversion of producing energy from biomass feedstock. This community serves as a focal point for people with diverse interests in sustainable bioenergy feedstock systems to meet, organize, communicate, and collaborate on a wide range of projects and activities.

Night sky over crops

Cotton, Hemp, and Other Fiber Crops

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Fiber crops represent important agricultural production systems that provide the global community with multi-use natural fibers. These systems are supported by a community of research scientists, extension and industrial professionals worldwide. This community is focused on fostering communication among applied fiber crop research scientists and other professionals worldwide to further the science that supports modern production systems.

View of field from a tractor

Crop Irrigation Strategies and Management

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Many irrigation water sources face decline or greater demand by competing municipal, industrial, or commerce interests that intensify the challenge to develop irrigation strategies for long-term sustainability. This community has the goal to advance innovative production practices to coordinate available water resources to meet crop demand for optimum water productivity.

Helicopter dusting crops

Organic Management Systems

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This community is dedicated to furthering the science of organic/ecological agricultural systems. The goal of the community is to facilitate collaboration among those with an interest in OMS and the ecosystem services that result from their adoption.

Between cornstalks

Precision Agriculture Systems

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This community is focused on precision agriculture using ecological based principles, plant genetics, technological advances, and plant and soil sensors to vary management to improve system efficiency, resilience, and adaptability. The community investigates linkages between economics, crops, pests, livestock, and wildlife.

Airplane spraying a field of crops

Semi-arid Dryland Cropping Systems

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The issues of greatest relevance in semi-arid rainfed (dryland) agriculture is typically rainfed areas with 10-20" (250-500 mm) annual precipitation. When precipitation is limiting, compounded in warmer climates, then cropping limitations are more pronounced. This community brings together scientists and educators worldwide who are interested in discussing the issues of relevance in dryland cropping systems.

Field in a dry region

Sensor-Based Nutrient Management

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This community focuses on sensor based methodologies that increase nitrogen use efficiency in cereal production systems. This group studies engineering and agronomic challenges with hopes to deliver “by-plant” N management.

Water droplets on potato leaves

Soil and Water Management Professionals

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This community focuses on soil and water issues and provides a framework for CCA's, ASA members, industry, government, and related groups to network and collaborate. Ongoing discussion topics include: 4R nutrient management, water quality, fertilizer use and application, environmental quality, soil health, precision technologies and practices that reduce soil erosion and water degradation.

Ground beneath the crops

Nutrient Management Professionals

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This community's goals include providing a venue for ASA members and certified professionals (CCAs and CPAgs) to discuss, evaluate and communicate issues and educational opportunities that are identified by the ICCA Nutrient Management Rapid Response Team. And facilitate other organizations to link with ASA/ICCA through the Nutrient Management Community

Tractor running over a field

Weedy and Invasive Plant Species

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The interests of the Weedy and Invasive Plant Species community will be in understanding the ecology of weedy and invasive plants in managed ecosystems and the development of sustainable approaches to manage them. The community interests also covers regulatory issues associated with weed management and opportunities for restoration of native communities.

Weeds invading a golf course

Wheat Initiative Agronomists

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This community focuses on developing a gold standard cropping system for wheat that embraces the achievement of yield potential, ensures profitability, and enhances the sustainability of the production system.

Overhead image of a wheat field