Education and Extension Section | American Society of Agronomy Skip to main content
A pair of hands gently releasing seeds into a field

Education and Extension Section

Our Communities

Advancing Agronomy via Public-Private Collaboration

Members | Community Leaders | Donate | Discussion Board

Community goals include creating common messages promoting agronomy, recruitment and education collaborations, identifying new skills and expertise needs, collaborative outreach efforts, and sharing agronomic data for public education and communication.

Harvester running through a field

Extension Education

Members | Community Leaders | Donate | Discussion Board 

The Extension Education Community provides an opportunity for Extension Agronomists to meet, exchange and share information, plan, and coordinate programs and services. At the annual ASA meeting, our community sponsors a symposium(s), oral and poster sessions, a poster contest, and the Extension Education Community Awards Program.

Selecting for soybean height

K-16 Education and Outreach

Members | Community Leaders | Donate | Discussion Board

This community would like to increase awareness of soils, crops and agronomy; and how they can be used in teaching STEM concepts in high school as well as biology, chemistry, physics and earth science in K-8. We also focus on developing, presenting, and sharing teaching methods across K-16 and promoting recruitment and retention of undergraduate students.

Looking at permafrost