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Agronomy, Crops, and Soils is thrilled to announce that the Awards Hub is now live!

Members can now access the hub to apply for awards or nominate someone deserving. Don’t wait—start your application or nomination today at

Where can your PhD take you?

The ASA, CSSA, SSSA Congressional Science Fellowship Program is unique opportunity for Society members with an interest in working at the intersection of science and government. For more than 30 years, ASA, CSSA and SSSA have selected a Society member to spend one year in Washington D.C. applying his/her professional and scientific expertise as a special assistant on the staff of a member of Congress or Congressional committee. Consider using your scientific knowledge in a whole new way as the next ASA, CSSA, SSSA Congressional Science Fellow.


The 2025 Fellowship begins in September 2025 and concludes in August 2026.


The Fellowship carries an annual stipend plus relocation expenses.


  1. Applicants are required to have a Ph.D. at the time they start the Fellowship. Applicants may apply for the Fellowship while finishing their doctoral program, but must have completed their degree prior to beginning the Fellowship.
  2. The program is aimed at highly qualified and interested individuals at any stage in their career. Mid- to late-career scientists are also encouraged to apply.
  3. Applicants must have exceptional competence in some area of the agronomic, crop, soil, or related fields of science and education.
  4. Applicants must be cognizant of a broad range of matters outside the Fellow’s particular area, and have a strong interest in working on a range of public policy issues.
  5. Applicants are required to be ASA, CSSA, or SSSA members.
  6. Applicants must hold U.S. citizenship (dual citizenship from the United States and another country is acceptable).
  7. Fellows are required to participate in two orientations: one, sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), is an intensive two-week orientation on legislative and executive branch operations in September, and the other a three-day agriculture/natural resources/environment orientation held at the end of August.


A selection committee composed of the ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Chief Executive Officer and Science Policy Office staff will screen all applications and conduct interviews.

The Congressional Science Fellowship accepts applications from January through March 25th