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July 10, 17, 24, & 31.

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Contact: Trent Wimmer


Email: trent.wimmer@syngenta.com

Website: Syngenta

Syngenta’s Good Growth Plan puts sustainability at the center of our business and innovation. It is key to ensure our success and it helps us meet our commitment to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. Building on the progress we made and the lessons we learned from the first Good Growth Plan (2013- 2019), Syngenta Group launched a new Good Growth Plan in June 2020. This plan puts the urgent fight against climate change and biodiversity loss at the heart of farming’s productive future and the global economic recovery. Under the new Good Growth Plan, Syngenta makes four ambitious commitments and sets targets for 2025. We are accelerating our innovation to provide solutions for farmers to make agriculture more resilient and sustainable. We strive for carbon neutral agriculture, while continuing our work to enhance biodiversity and soil health. We are reinforcing our existing commitment to help people stay safe and healthy in our operations and in the field. Last, we want to achieve these commitments in partnership with others and through open dialogue about the value of agriculture innovation for farmers, nature and society.

Updated 10 months ago

Agricultural Retailers Association
Senior VP of Member Services & Corporate Relationships
Contact: Donnie Taylor

Arlington VA

Email: dtaylor@aradc.org

Website: Agricultural Retailers Association

The Agricultural Retailers Association unites its members and their interests to advocate and educate on their behalf, provide services to improve their businesses, and preserve their freedom to operate and innovate, ensuring a safe and plentiful food supply for all.

Updated 8 months ago

The Nature Conservancy

Contact: Leif Fixen

Arlington VA

Phone: 605-691-3072

Email: leif.fixen@tnc.org

Website: The Nature Conservancy

Education is key to exchanging ideas, building knowledge, and adopting good practices. Education and outreach are necessary to meet the growing demand for food while ensuring clean and abundant water supplies, healthy lands and a stable climate.

Updated 8 months ago

Pivot Bio
Communications Manager
Contact: Erin Loesing

Berkeley CA

Phone: 515-436-4462

Email: support@pivotbio.com

Website: Pivot Bio

Pivot Bio develops sustainable technologies to deliver critical and better-performing crop nutrition to growers worldwide. Using cutting-edge science, the company has developed a microbial nitrogen that replaces traditional synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, reducing environmental impact while maintaining crop yields. For more information, visit PivotBio.com.

Updated 8 months ago

Environmental Tillage Systems, Inc
Marketing Director
Contact: Kristen Krell

Faribault MN

Phone: 507-332-2231

Email: info@soilwarrior.com

Website: Environmental Tillage Systems, Inc

Environmental Tillage Systems, Inc. has been dedicated to defending the land and leading the charge since beginning on a farm in Southeastern Minnesota in 2004. ETS is a leading manufacturer of strip tillage equipment. Our equipment is designed to enhance soil productivity and farm profitability. Our products set the standard for in-field performance, machine durability, and ease of operation. We are proud to serve customers in the United States and internationally.

Updated 8 months ago